Residential Property

Over the years we have helped thousands of clients, whether they be moving home or purchasing investment properties.

We know that moving home can sometimes be traumatic, sometimes stressful. It is ALWAYS a matter of huge importance to our clients and we treat it accordingly. We don’t regard it simply as a process or a form filling exercise.

We put you, the client, at the very centre and encourage regular and effective communication. Ours is not a call-centre approach to conveyancing. At Fletcher & Co you will always be able to speak to someone who actually knows about your particular matter and is able to assist with any enquiry.

If you are in the process of buying, selling or re-mortgaging your home
and would like to know more, why not contact us . We will be very
happy to help.

Fletcher & Co
Warford House,
31 King Street,
WA16 6DW